And Breathe; take care of yourself

It’s important to take good care of ourselves. If we have learned nothing else from Covid19 we have learned that. Surely. Haven’t we?

Take care by looking along the groynes covered in seaweed
Groynes covered in seaweed

Trouble is, when you are feeling under it, covered in metaphorical seaweed, you don’t necessarily have the strength.

This is not going to be a top ten list of self care hints – there are plenty of those out there. Just Google well-being top tips.

Sometimes what we need to do is just stop and breathe.

We have known for a long time that “taking the sea air” is very restorative. Brighton through to Bognor was built on wealthy Victorians and Edwardians taking care of themselves. Worthing Museum has a wonderful collection relating to just this.

However, if you are a long way away, this might help – sunrise on the 23rd November, at Rustington.

No Covid19, Brexit or Christmas. Just breathe.